Relational Medicine Journey

Thich Nhat Hanh once famously said, “The next Buddha will be a Sangha.” And it is within this context of communal healing that we invite you to join us for a Relational Medicine Journey. This is a sanga dedicated to supporting and uplifting one another through the confluence of group intelligence, mutual care, and the wisdom and openings of medicine within a relational container. We will be sharing psilocybin medicine for personal use in a group journey setting.

Our intention in offering this experience is to move beyond a western therapeutic 1:1 model, or a 1-to-many linear facilitator model of traditional medicine journeys, and really harness the healing power of the collective, with additional support and guidance from the facilitators. 

In practice this means a group journey that will encompass and support everything that comes up and wants to move, both internally, and in the group field with others, for the duration of the journey. We will weave and support a tapestry of the personal, intrapersonal and transpersonal levels for this opening and movement. 

When we set out to experience and support life in this way, we exit our individual caves of lack, manipulation, aloneness, and suffering, and open ourselves up to each other, and the world in discovery, beauty, vulnerability, truth, support, care, and exchange.

Rebecca and Praveen will hold the container to support this collective, tracking what’s naturally arising, offering guidance, and supporting the sequencing of what wants to unfold, or complete. All parts of you are welcome into this space to support this healing and integration. 

Weekend Itinerary:

Friday evening: Preparation 6-9pm

We’ll gather as a community to prepare for the journey; setting the container, building community connection & cohesion, orienting to the practice of grounding in self energy, working with parts and clarifying our intentions.

Itinerary for Friday evening:

~ Welcome

~ Orientation to the space, logistics and the flow of the weekend

~ Introductions- facilitators

~ Introductions- group members

~ Group agreements

~ Group process- Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS), a framework for growth and healing. We will explore practices to ground into Self energy, hold parts with compassionate care and hold a group Self energy field to prepare the individual and group systems for the journey.

~ Guided meditation & intention setting

~ Intention sharing circle

~ Community altar making

~ Orientation to next journey day, reminders of what to bring

Saturday: Journey Day, 9:30am- 8pm

~Morning Yoga (optional)

~ Welcome

~ Setting the space and nest making

~ Collective drop in, presencing intentions as a group 

~ Psilocybin will be shared. Making and drinking tea

~ Begin journey with meditation and music (90mins)

~ Group will naturally come together and engage in relational processes as it unfolds organically

~ Rebecca & Praveen will support individuals, or mini-pods throughout the journey based on needs, flow, and what is desired 

~ Dance and singing will be part of the latter half of the journey

~ As people transition out of the medicine, the relational process may continue, and people are welcome to journal, or make art, privately or in pods.

~ Group integration: Share a meal

~ Evening activities, quiet time and sleep time, with nesting options. 

Sunday: Integration 9am-1pm

~ Morning Yoga (optional)

~ Breakfast

~ Integration group sharing circle and reflections

~ Closing of the container

~ Cleanup

~ Socializing and departures